Class: TransformableMaster

PR. TransformableMaster

The transformable master is not a widget but accompanies the transformable widget. The job of the transformable master is to keep track of transformables and help to manage them as they are manipulated, particularly when they are cloned or destroyed.

The transformable master needs no initialising, it is instantiated and initialised by any transformable widget and will be created when the first transformable is created (this is usually when the page loads, not when it becomes visible although depending on the platform these can happen at the same time). It is a singleton and will return a reference to itself if it has already been created.

The transformable master creates a new <div> within the page with an id of TRANSFORMABLE_MASTER, cloned transformables end up within this element whilst the original transformable maintains its place within the DOM but often becomes hidden (this is dependent upon a few things, normally whether the transformable can be cloned again or not).

See the transformable widget documentation for more information on how transformables work.

  • AppStudio Widgets
  • widgets/Transformable/TransformableMaster.js, line 1